welcome System Center 2007!

System Center Operations manager 2007 in Egypt

قُل لّوْ كَانَ الْبَحْرُ مِدَاداً لّكَلِمَاتِ رَبّي لَنَفِدَ الْبَحْرُ قَبْلَ أَن تَنفَدَ كَلِمَاتُ رَبّي وَلَوْ جِئْنَا بِمِثْلِهِ مَدَداً

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Microsoft forefront client security - part 1

After long time working with Microsoft Forefront client security I have decided to prepare videos about how to install and configure Microsoft forefront client security
My first forefront blog cast contains how to prepare your server to install Microsoft forefront client security server
Contain the following items:

  • Install IIS and ASP.net
  • Install .NET framework 2
  • Install .NET framework 3

You can download it from the following link
Microsoft forefront client security - part 1